How Virtual Exhibition Presentation Affects Visitor Communication and Enjoyment: An Exploration of 2D versus 3D. > 사업성과

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작성자 관리자 작성일21-03-26 11:54 조회300회 댓글0건



Soyeon Kim., & Seulgi Hong. (2020). How Virtual Exhibition Presentation Affects Visitor Communication and Enjoyment: An Exploration of 2D versus 3D. The Design Journal, 23(5), 677-696. 



As online virtual exhibitions become a central communication channel in museums, and both the communication and entertainment aspects of museums are being emphasized, various presentation methods are being adopted to attract visitors to such exhibitions. Therefore, this study examines the effect of virtual exhibition presentation methods on visitor communication and enjoyment, focusing on a comparison of 2D and 3D presentation. The findings indicate that 2D presentation is more effective for intuitive communication than 3D, and visitor enjoyment was aroused at different points according to the presentation methods. The 2D visitors showed their interest in information acquisition while focusing on exhibition content, whereas 3D visitors enjoyed exploring the virtual environment. Additional implications of this study for both further research and practice are discussed.